This document serves as a guide to use the database "Regional Water Use Scenarios in Northeast Brazil", in the form of a CD-Rom, and developed at Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Germany as a partner of WAVES Program (Water Availability, Vulnerability of Ecosystems and Society), a research project between Brazil and Germany.

This CD-Rom was first presented during the WAVES International Conference "Global Change & Regional Impacts", Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, June 2001.

The CD-Rom contains the following sections:

Section 1: Text file, Readme.doc (this one)

Section 2: Bibliography: "Döll, P., Hauschild, M., 2001a. A water use model to support regional planning in Northeastern Brazil" (submitted to J. Wat. Res. Plan. & Man. in 2001).

Section 3: Bibliography: "Döll, P., Hauschild, M., 2001b. Model-based scenarios of water use in two semi-arid Brazilian states". (submitted to Regional Environmental Change, in 2001).

Section 4: Bibliography: "Döll, P., Hauschild, M., Fuhr, D., 2001. Scenario development as a tool for integrated analysis & regional planning". Proceedings, German-Brazilian Workshop on Neotropical Ecosystems (CD-ROM). GKSS, Hamburg, Germany.

Section 5: Bibliography: "Döll, P, Mendiondo, M., Fuhr, D., Hauschild, M., 2000. Desenvolvimento de cenários como ferramenta para o planejamento regional, Paper presented at Workshop, SEPLAN-WAVES, Nov. 2000".

Section 6: Bibliography: "Young, B., 1998, Water Management Options for Ceará and Piauí, Brazil in the Prospect of Global Changes", Consultancy Paper.

Section 7a: Excel Table, with Water use[m3 yr-1] (sectoral water withdrawal and consumptive water use, at municipality scale in Ceará State and Piaui State, Brazil, Total: 332 municipalities) corresponding to:

  • current situation (performed from database in 1996-1998),
  • future Reference Scenarios in year 2025, i.e. Globalization (RS A) and decentralization (RS B).
  • Note: irrigation water use is assessed through using (1) climate database between 1969 and 1998, (2) the "best estimates" of downscale precipitation in Ceará State, (3) no climate change and (4) scenarios of irrigation area development for RS A and RS B, respectively (see WAVES Scenario Group).

    Section 7b: Excel Table, with Comparison of mean estimate of irrigation water useComparação [m3 yr-1] for:

  • current situation (1996/98, clima between 1969 and 1998, rough spatial estimate),
  • reference scenarios (2025 RS A and 2025 RS B) according to global climatic model: ECHAM4 (climate change), HADCM2 (climate change) and EQUAL (no climate change) and with reference scenario irrigation areas.
  • Section 7c: Excel Table, with comparison of estimates of irrigation water use [m3 yr-1] for:

    Section 8a: Excel Table, detailed net irrigation requirement [mm] from :

  • probability of 1 extreme period in 10 years,
  • probability of 1 extreme period in 4 years
  • for crops 1, 2, ... , 9 coded in NoWUM at municipality scale and per growing period. Time series used: 1969-1998 (best estimate)

    Section 8b: Excel Table, summary of crop-specific irrigation requirement per unit irrigated area and per growing period [mm] computed by NoWUM over 332 municipalities of Ceará and Piaui, Brazil. Time series used: 1969-1998 (best estimate)


    Dr. Petra Doell
    Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel - GhK
    Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, D-34109 Kassel - Germany
    Tel: +49 561 804 3913. FAX: + 49 561 804 3176


    Dr. E. Mario Mendiondo
    Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel - GhK
